Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: Official Website Launch

3rd October 2014

The Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the United Nations and the Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York are combining their efforts on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 to jointly launch their official websites at their New York office.

This event comes on the heels of the successful delivery of Minster for External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation, Hon. Alva Baptiste's address to the 69th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly this week at the UN. The Minister spoke on the assembly’s theme: “Delivering and Implementing a Transformative Post 2015 Development Agenda.”

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have radically changed the way things are done and continue to influence day to day all aspects of human life, be it in the governmental, business, social or entertainment world. It has revolutionized life and created opportunities for growth and development worldwide.

The continuous, rapid communications flow in the information environment, facilitated by modern technological advances and media distribution methods, requires responsive, agile processes and capabilities to preserve and enhance the credibility and influence of St. Lucia at a national, regional and international level.

The Government of Saint Lucia recognizes the need to promote the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an enabler of growth and development within the island. As such, the national development agenda emphasizes the use of such technologies in building requisite capacities within the country’s key economic sectors inclusive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Satellite Affiliates.

It is within this context that the dire need was recognized to produce and establish for the first time ever, functional websites for both the Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the UN and the Consulate General Office in New York. As such, the development of an interactive user-friendly information and communication platform, that would provide the appropriate interface between the organization, users and all stakeholders has been successfully crafted and developed.

Saint Lucians in the diaspora can now access essential documents directly from these websites, such as passport application and visa forms, get information about the various processes and requirements on several aspects of the services that these offices offer in a timely fashion, get email alerts once they have signed up to be informed of activities and events of relevance and news items that impacts their lives directly. Overall, these two online portals will allow for greater communication and sharing of information between the consulate and the mission and in effect truly transform the way that these important government bodies engage their users and their online communities.

Recognition is made of the fact that St. Lucian audiences located in the diaspora must be strategically targeted in order to create, strengthen or preserve conditions favorable for the advancement of Saint Lucian interests, policies and objectives through the use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages and products synchronized with the actions of all instruments of national governance.

Contact: Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia
Address: 800 2nd Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 697-9360

Contact: Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York
Address: 800 2nd Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 697-9360
Fax: (212) 697-4993

November 10, 2023
New York, NY (November 10, 2023) – In line with the continued thrust towards expanding diplomatic partners, this week Saint Lucia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste established diplomatic relations in New York. Saint Lucia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, H.E Menissa Rambally, and H.E Karlito Nunes, Permanent Representative of Timor-Leste to the United Nations, signed a joint communiqué on November 08, 2023, establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. The establishment of diplomatic relations with this Southeast Asian state is part of the Government of Saint Lucia’s Foreign Policy to forge new diplomatic ties with non-traditional and other developing economies in pursuit of mutually beneficial development objectives.  As Small Island Developing States (SIDS), formalization of relations between the two nations sets the foundation for advancing efforts including addressing climate change, culture, and knowledge exchange as well as pursuing cooperation in other political and socio-economic areas.
November 2, 2023
New York, NY (November 02, 2023) – At the United Nations General Assembly annual debate on the resolution calling for an end to the United States embargo on Cuba, Saint Lucia joined 186 members states in condemning this blockade.  Saint Lucia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, H.E Menissa Rambally, who also delivered a statement on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), highlighted that this long-standing matter continues to serve as an impediment to the regional cooperation that CARICOM maintains with Cuba. The unselfish assistance of Cuba to Saint Lucia, the wider Caribbean and globally in furtherance of socioeconomic development and sustainability is consistent with the values and aspirations of cooperation amongst the countries of the Global South. Cooperation with Saint Lucia in health and other sectors like education, has been the foundation for an enduring bond spanning decades. Saint Lucia acknowledged the indomitable spirit of the Cuban people who continue to persevere despite the unlawful economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States. Ambassador Rambally, reaffirmed the Government of Saint Lucia’s fervent call for an end to this embargo, and expressed hope that the will of the overwhelming majority of the nations of the world is duly respected on this matter. View Statement here:
September 22, 2023
Philip Joseph Pierre, Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy of Saint Lucia, addresses the general debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 19 - 26 September 2023).  The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote. The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter. The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world. But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity. General debate website:
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